posted April 11 2005

L was playing in the loungeroom. He said “there’s a man in our backyard”
P said “oh yeah” thinking it was just part of a game.
L repeated himself. P looked up and saw this fellow legging it with his wife’s basket in his hand. P was hot on his heels as the robber hopped over the back gate. Under the gate was carry bag with a video inside.

They both grabbed it at the same time. The robber pulled one way and P pulled the other. P got the video but had no key to unlock the gate. The robber made off with the bag.
The robber hoofed it out into Acland St. Undeterred P went hunting. He was just about to give up and but decided to look in the bluestone dunnies that used to be in Acland St. He went in and looked under all the doors. There was was J‘s unmistakable basket next to a set of legs. He went outside called the cops and the stereo was returned some days later.

That evening J and P discovered the knife by the back gate.