Author Archives: julieshiels
Duds #1
The context is everything. It would be easy to mis-read this one.
Laneway between Lonsdale and Lt Bourke Melbourne
Laneway smoko #6
Orr St Calton 1.00 pm
Old St Kilda Monument
What does it mean?
Laneway smoko #5
Laneway behind Block Place in Melbourne. There were only two milk crates there last time.
Re-direction notice
“You can’t always take your stuff with you”, but you can you leave it in cyberspace at the old address.
‘I love St Kilda‘ is my other blog that investigates similar themes to ‘City Traces’ but is a more in depth exploration of a particular place. After running two blogs for the last 6 months I have decided to combine the two sites.
Click here to see the earlier work from I love St Kilda.
If you are interested in looking at the stencil work go to the stencil archive discarded or postings categories on the side bar.
Another set of signs #1
….. allowed in an environment of zero tolerance towards street artists.
Back to normal soon
The Commonwealth Games are over and the city will return to normal!!
Official marks #6
The only kind of aerosol art allowed during the Commonwealth Games
Official marks #4
Official marks #1
The Commonwealth Games
Who has been edged out of Melbourne? The homeless, workers, kids from their schools, parents from their jobs, graffitti and stencil artists and Elizabeth St was empty at 5pm.
Has everybody left town?
Urban fabric #6
Found: Torquay Public Reserve
Urban fabric #7
Found: Torquay Public Reserve