Local knowledge


Conversation #1
“How come there are so many mattresses?” she asked “I didn’t think this was a boarding house”.
“Nah, it’s just a block of flats ” said the owner, “the garage was full of them. It’s like everybody who ever lived here left behind a mattress. Whenever somebody didn’t need a bed any more they put it in there. They are in surprisingly good condition though. Council’s coming on Thursday to take them away.” Landlord


“Are you fixing the place up to sell?” she asked.
“No it was falling down, floor boards rotting, dodgy electrics – the kind of stuff that when you start, you keep discovering more. We’ll be lucky if we finish before Xmas”.
“The garage used to be a practice room for a band. With all those mattresses stacked against the wall you wouldn’t even know they were there.”
“They’ve probably moved to Brunswick” Builder’s assistant